B-17: Queen of the Skies (AH) - errata, review, article index, tournament rules, review, replays (PDF file), replays (PDF file), mission chart (PDF file), composite mission record (PDF file), B-24 variant files (zipped JPG files), files for The Boardgamer's Guide to B-17, Lancaster variant (PDF file), replay (in Spanish, PDF file), B-17 F board. Motomaster eliminator battery booster pack with air compressor manual.

Downloads There is little in this hobby more frustrating than opening a game and to find you misplaced the rules, or a chart. This page is here as a resource to help people play and enjoy the old SPI games they own.

Click the first initial of the game below to jump to the START of that letter. Then scroll down to see the titles.

SkirmishCampaigns - Downloads Click on one of the following items to download or click for a complete directory listing: SCENARIOS: From SkirmishCampaigns Books Sample scenario from SkirmishCampaigns: Finland '39-'40-The Winter War book. This scenario features a Soviet assault near Suomussalami on 13 December 1939. Sample scenario from SkirmishCampaigns:Russia'41-Into the Ukraine book. This scenario features a Soviet counter-attack by the 34th Tank Division into the side of the German 111st Infantry Division at Dubno, Ukraine (features some fun tank wreck rules!). Sample scenario from SkirmishCampaigns:France '40-The Ghost Division book.

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This scenario features a French counter-attack on a German bridgehead. Sample scenario from SkirmishCampaigns:Poland '39-The Black Brigade book. This scenario pits the tough Polish 10th Mech Brigade 'The Black Brigade' against the rapidly advancing 2nd Panzer Division.

SCENARIOS: Special Interest This scenario is a large variant of one of the scenarios from the forthcoming 'SkirmishCampaigns: Russia '41-Ghosts at Smolensk '. It features German pioneers and armor from the 7th Panzer Division facing off against elements from the Soviet 25th Rifle Corps. Download free panasonic pbx unified maintenance console usb driver. This scenario pits the brave Polish defenders of Westerplatte's Guardhouse #1against determined German assault forces. The Map from this scenario was taken from a rare Polish book on Westerplatte and its defenders.

US GIs must fend off a local counterattack by elements of the hearty 352nd Infantry Division just hours after D-Day. This fictional scenario has a few surprises so if you are playing with a gamemaster, don't read the final page!

(Scott and his brothers had a great time with this one over Christmas '99) An excellent Sicily scenario from Paul Leicht- Col. James Gavin and his motley band of untested 82nd Airborne Paratroopers and GIs from the US 45th Division take on panzer-grenadiers of the Hermann Goering Division and Tiger I tanks at Biazzi Ridge to protect the American landing zones near the beaches of Gela Sicily. This scenario accurately represents this key engagement and has a good balance of variable attachments representing the many units that were drawn to the battle on both sides, especially the American forces. The game map based on battlefield terrain comments found in Gavin's memoirs, 'On to Berlin.' CHARTS, TABLES & RULES The latest rules translation for anyone who needs them. Some stats for Polish AFVs for use with our new SkirmishCampaigns: Poland '39 book. Special thanks to Rolando for his help on this.