Jul 16, 2008 - The MPTool is designed for service works with the printer Canon MP-Series when in Low-Level mode. It can be downloaded HERE. ButtWeasel (Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if the link is no longer valid.). Oct 4, 2014 - MPTools for canon Printer MP. Download Current version: 0.9.2. There no comment for 'MPTool Software Resetter for Canon MP150 MP160. Epson M100 Driver Free Download Epson M100 Driver Free Download.
This is an ink-cartridge reset tool for Canon Pixma MP 100 and MP 400 series printers. Mine is a Canon MP160 and it works great! However, you have to put your printer in 'low-level' mode which is kind of a communication mode the printer will operate in. Here's instructions for use: The MPTool is designed for service works with the printer Canon MP-Series when in Low-Level mode.
Currently supported for MP150, MP160, MP170, MP180, MP450, MP460. MP150, MP160, MP170, MP180, MP450, MP460. BEFORE activating MPTool.you need to To activate LOW LEVEL mode: 1.
Unplug the power cord to the printer for a moment. Then, hold*down the on/off*button while plugging in the power cord. Keep holding the on/off button down. Simatic step 7 v5 3 crack.
Right away the green power light (in the button) will turn on solid.* Keep holding the on/off button down. Press and release the Stop/Reset button. (the button w a red triangle in a red circle) 5. Now you can release the on/off*putton.
The* green power light will go off and the yellow Alarm light will stay on. Now you can run MPTOOL and resetting the ink counters will work. Your printer will show up as 'another' Cannon printer. When you finish you must again unplug the power cord for a moment and then just plug it back in. After you do this, you'll see both printers listed in Printers (controll panel) and one will show as offline. You can then rename this offline printer as 'Low Mode Canon' or whatever works for you so you don't mix it up with other functions.
These instructions took some time to translate from Russian, so I hope you enjoy!