Hungary Landmarks Pack. Freeware – FS2004. Free download synchro traffic simulator Files at Software. 3 Trafficware. With AI Traffic Editor X you have the perfect editor for your traffic in FSX. If your talking free-ware scenery. That i could find good AI Traffic for FS2004 because i have. Uk scenery 2 replies. The ultimate flight.

Project AI, the number one free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator that adds realistic AI traffic to make your flying experience the best ever. Project AI installer is a standalone MS-Windows application wich will install PAI package on your computer. More than just an installer it also has the capability to maintain your configuration files up-to-date. It is able to make some check and try to repair corrupted configuration files as well.

PAI Installer install packages on both FS2002 and FS2004 versions of the MS Flight Simulator. Editorial Although the overall level of realism in a flight simulator has always impressed me in a great deal of ways, one thing that I have always felt like the team down was the AI. At times it can feel like it is actually an aircraft being piloted by a very basic script, as the overall level of concentration and quality within the AI flights can be, at times, a bit of a disgrace. No matter what simulator that you are using, you will find that this can be the case and the AI has since become a frequent part of the simulation engine that gets edited and improved to try and make it a bit more, well, enjoyable to use! This package, then, delivers exactly what you need and makes sure that the enjoyment you get from both FS2002 and FS2004 can be heightened dramatically. This was one of the most important addons ever made for these simulators, and when you see the stark difference between the normal AI and Project AI, you’ll easily be able to get to grips with all of the wholesale changes it delivers.

It’s a massive part of the entire experience for me, so I downloaded this more or less immediately and put it all together It makes flying feel so much more authentic and enjoyable, ensuring that you can get a much more realistic level of AI from the computer. Sigma pc15 manual english pdf I found that it really did make a big difference – I found myself being able to make mistakes myself, instead of being forced into mistakes by the clumsy AI that almost felt like it was aiming for me at times! This made a huge difference to the quality of my own flying, as I started to see that my mistakes were fairly limited and that, many times, it was the computer at fault for being too exuberant! This simple app runs on the side of your FS2002 or FS2004 installation, and just manages everything on the side by running a simple PAI executable in the background. This makes it easy for the AI to retain its intelligence without you always having to jump through hoops to get the app to work – it also updates itself on a fairly regular basis and makes a massive difference in terms of putting everything together and making it as enjoyable as it possibly can be. By repairing corrupted files for me and improving the config settings and files on the fly, I was able to notice ready improvements whenever they released the next batch of updates.

It was something that really impressed me and convinced me of the overall quality and standard of detail of the project. Project AI was something I was always really interested to try and now that I have, I’d recommend it to anyone who is still using an older flight simulator and wants to get a level of AI that feels far more like the overall quality and competence we get to see in more modern flight simulators.

All AI adds polygons to your FS world and requires more power from your computer. All AI lowers your FPS. The question is where are you flying. EGLL is the most demanding airport in FS with over 1,000 AI aircraft active in the area which includes EGLC, EGKK, EGSS, EGGS and many more.

Big busy airports will slow down quite a bit with realistic levels of AI You basically have five choices. (1) Freeware - World of AI and Project AI - choose the newest schedule date airline package of each and they will fill up a lot of your skies.

They have about 50% of their packages are unique, not also by the other group. (2) Payware - Ultimate Traffic - uses realistic schedules - latest schedule update is a couple years old, but still pretty good. Easy to substitute default aircraft and repaints with higher quality repaints and easier on FPS aircraft.

Easy to add other airlines. New update for Schedules and FSX version due in May/June. (3) Payware - MyTraffic - uses 'representational' schedules. You will probably not see the exact flight you see on the airport schedule, but most of the airlines at the airport will represent airlines that use the airport. Does include some real world schedules for long distance/ trans oceanic flights.