Important This topic does not apply for Windows 10. The way that default file associations work changed in Windows 10. For more information, see the section on Changes to how Windows 10 handles default apps in.
Oct 20, 2017 - One of our clients recently brought that challenge to us, and it was caused by an incorrect Group Policy. In Windows 7 and later the mailto association is no longer set. Then they need to go to Default Programs in the Control Panel. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Google Chrome. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail. Now in the right pane of this location, if you find the PreFirstRun named DWORD (REG_DWORD)or registry string (REG_SZ) there, simply right click over.
When a user sets program defaults using Default Programs, the default setting applies only to that user and not to other users who might use the same computer. Default Programs provides a set of APIs (deprecated in Windows 8) that enable independent software vendors (ISVs) to include their programs or applications in the defaults system. The API set also helps ISVs better manage their status as defaults. This topic is organized as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to Default Programs and Its Related API Set Default Programs is primarily designed for applications that use standard file types such as.mp3 or.jpg files or standard protocols, such as HTTP or mailto.
Applications that use their own proprietary protocols and file associations do not typically use the Default Programs functionality. After you register an application for Default Programs functionality, the following options and functionality are available by using the API set: • Restore all registered defaults for an application. Deprecated for Windows 8. • Restore a single registered default for an application.
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Deprecated for Windows 8. • Query for the owner of a specific default in a single call instead of searching the registry. You can query for the default of a file association, protocol, or Start menu canonical verb. • Launch a UI for a specific application where a user can set individual defaults. • Remove all per-user associations. Default Programs also provides a UI that enables you to register an application in order to provide additional information to the user.
For example, a digitally signed application can include a URL to the manufacturer's home page. Use of the associated API set can help an application function correctly under the user account control (UAC) feature introduced in Windows Vista. Under UAC, an administrator appears to the system as a standard user, so that administrator cannot typically write to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree. This restriction is a security feature that prevents a process from acting as an administrator without the administrator's knowledge. Installation of a program by a user is typically performed as an elevated process.