Greatest Hits: 1986-2004. Apr 4, 2006 - Listen to songs from the album The Best of Poison: 20 Years of Rock (Remastered), including 'Talk Dirty to Me', 'I Want Action', 'I Won't Forget You' and many more. 19 rows Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for. Sep 22, 2014 - In the 2000s, with the original line up back together, the band found new popularity after a successful greatest hits reunion tour in 1999. Even on a compilation, Poison wears a little thin -- there are still dull moments among these 18 songs, mainly in the form of lesser-known album tracks and singles -- but still, Greatest Hits 1986-1996 is the most enteraining album the band ever released. Even on a compilation, Poison wears a little thin — there are still dull moments among these 18 songs, mainly in the form of lesser-known album tracks and singles — but still, Greatest Hits 1986-1996 is the most enteraining album the band ever released.
The article analyzes the peculiarities of perception of preschool children of their native city (for example, the city of Pskov). The author, based on OV Solntseva's experimental materials «Preschoolers about the city: from diagnosis to design the content of the pedagogical process» (2009-2010 years), gives the content and results of the self-study in the framework of the project 'System of ethnocultural the education of children of preschool age in the border areas of Russia '(RFH, the project № 2, 2014). The materials include the description of the experimental procedures, analysis of results of experimental study (ascertained experimental data), the findings underlying the construction of integrative technology of ethno-cultural education of children of preschool age on the content of architecture of their native city.
OQjosqkiePKrTAJnCujにお住まいの rmckinstry_601 さんの記帳 2rand[0,1,1]歳 ツ男性: 2016年04月29日(金) 03時46分.