YUrij Druzhnikov. Izgnannik samovol'nyj----- © Copyright YUrij Druzhnikov, 1992 Antiquary Publishers Istochnik: YUrij Druzhnikov. YUrij Markovich Nagibin. T'ma v konce tunnelya----- Izdanie: YUrij Nagibin; 'T'ma v konce tunnelya; Moya zolotaya t£shcha', Povesti. Nezavisimoe izd-vo PIK, Moskva, 1994. OCR i vychitka: David Titievskij (davidtit@land.ru), 6 fevralya 2002. Korrektura: Aleksandr Belousenko, 1 yanvarya 2003. Yurij ivanovich rab iz nashego vremeni vse knigi.
Mount & Blade Warband Mods WSE (Warband Script Enhancer) For Latest Warband WSE (Warband Script Enhancer) For Latest Warband In by Pinhan Pain June 16, 2017 Leave a Comment.

Hello Everyone! I would like to introduce to you my modification for Mount & Blade - Warband - Shogun - Sengoku Jidai. This mod is about Sengoku Period in Japan - one of the biggest civil war in this country. Mod is working with newest version of Warband v1.143 All new features: • totally new weapons, like Katana, Wakizashi, Yari (spear), Yumi (bows), new arrows, No-Dachi (long swords), Otsuchi (warhammer), Kanabo (club), Kama/Oni (axe), new fire weapons and many, many more, • new armors with heraldic flags or without them (it`s up to you, the price is still the same) • new ground textures • new beautiful map of Japan, it`s HUGE • new map icons • a lot of new scripts (i.e. [url=I really need your support, so please, use my FileSonic link as long as possible and DO NOT upload my mod on other servers. I know that you have to wait 30s before you can download and download speed is not cool sometimes, but this is all I`m asking you. Vzlomannie igri na ios bez dzhejlbrejka i pk. If you enjoyed my mod, download it using my link.
[size=14pt] Download link for Shogun - Sengoku Jidai v0.70[/size] MIRROR FileSonic: Please, if you want support me, use FileSonic link as long as possible. [size=14pt] Patch 1 is now available.[/size] Copy all files from archive to Shogun - Sengoku Jidai directory and replace all the files. Download: Enjoy! ^^ Some simple rules Don't use this mod/objects/textures in other projects/mods without my permission. Don't modify models or textures from this mod without my permission. Below you can see some pictures from the mod. First, before ask desperatelly for help, i need to admit, your mod is the most outrageous and perfect i ever seen.
I was feeling so uncomplete w/o decent realistic japan era RPGs, and bang!!!! You come with this. PS: I know theres a lot of Japanese RPGs, but they are too gay ( I have nothing against Homosexuals), full of shining faggishes, and beautyfull angel faces, and thats makes me sick. Ok ok, lets go to the point, i loved your mod but i'm enfacing a hard problem w/o ways to avoid. When i get back to meet my father whos probably in danger, and i see the lord ordering to execute him, after his death ( my father ), the game AI simply stops, i still making my char fire arrows and etcetera, the npcs still alive, but the screeen keeps on the dead fathers and neverrrrrrrrr ends the scene. I believe this happens baucase Ai, but not sure since i'm not a modder.
Even w/o my decent video card what somehow doesnt work on my new Motherboard, i still love this game, even on minimum configs still awsome, for god sakes help meeeeee.what to dooooo i want see the rest of the game. Send me help pleaaaaase. You're right, it happened to me too, and i dont know what can i do with it Me to thats happened for me also Happened to me too After the execution the game AI stops. First, before ask desperatelly for help, i need to admit, your mod is the most outrageous and perfect i ever seen.