Pile driving works with the use of diesel pile hammers are not allowed in a range of cities in Russia. Therefore, static pile drivers are an ideal solution. Static pile drivers can be applied to installing concrete, and tube pipes of various sizes in restrained urban conditions, near shabby buildings, in historic centers and other areas where dynamic, vibrational and noise effects are unacceptable. Minimum required space is 10x10 meters and the minimum distance to the neighbouring facility is 950 mm. Performance The pile driving time depends on the type of soil and can reach 5-6 minutes. The static pile drivers enables installing piles to the designed depth without excavating. Design features.
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The static pile driver is noise- and vibrationless and is suitable for all types of piles. STARKE static pile driver incudes the frame, drilling conductors with clamping and driving devices, forward and reverse hydraulic cylinders as well as controls. Pressure control The static pile driver is anchored with metal weights to secure the continuous driving process which is important when evaluating the pile capacity during installation.
Pressing force control enables to optimize the predicted load and the number of piles required to ensure the set bearing capacity and minimize the costs.