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Or if false alerts drive you insane like they do 99.9% of us, then try a Passport 9500ix or Passport Max. Both will automatically learn and store false alerts then not alert to them again. After these detectors learn the false alerts in your area then they are normally quiet and only alerting to threats. All of this is done automatically requiring no input from you.

The Passport 9500ix performs better than your older X50 in most situations. Passport Max performs much better in all situations. You can use your X50 as a trade-in if you do not want to sell it yourself.

Well here's my issue with my detector. It works fine most of the time.

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But there are days when i'll get a string of random LASER detections. It'll usually burst in sets of 3 in a short period of a min or so. This happens when I first start the vehicle or on the road. The unit will also fail to detect known targets too randomly. Even though the device is on, it won't sound off. Sometimes, I won't know if the detector is actually working or not, until I drive past those speed signs on the side of the road.

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It will not correct itself on the drive. I will have to disconnect the plug and plug it back in. This will usually correct the device, most of the time.

I've had it where it still wouldn't detect that sign. But the next day, it will no problems. I've also have the 'Service Required' message on the screen.

Most of the time, it happens soon after I start the vehicle. By pulling the plug and reconnecting power, it will usually clear up and work.

A handful of times where the message wouldn't go away doing that. But by the time I get back home and try it again, it'll be fine. I was told by an Escort rep a couple years back, if the message goes away, the device is fine. Sometimes weather/temperature, electrical fluctuations and whatever may trigger the device to do this. I've never seen the message 'Self Calibration' or whatever that some people have reported.

I'm not going to spend $500 for a detector. Not made of money. Not to mention, just bought a new vehicle. Maybe for Christmas?

Or if false alerts drive you insane like they do 99.9% of us, then try a Passport 9500ix or Passport Max. Both will automatically learn and store false alerts then not alert to them again. After these detectors learn the false alerts in your area then they are normally quiet and only alerting to threats. All of this is done automatically requiring no input from you.

The Passport 9500ix performs better than your older X50 in most situations. Passport Max performs much better in all situations. You can use your X50 as a trade-in if you do not want to sell it yourself. False alert doesn't drive me insane, if I know about them.

It's how I know if my detector is working properly or not. Reason as stated above. The only thing I watch out for is to see if I'm getting more than 1 hit on that false alert at that location. I know you're probably a bit bias, but is the jump from my X50 to the X50 Black worth while?