You must be registered to see links • Extract reflexil inside the ilspy folder and run ilspy. Once in IlSpy click on File-> Open and select RagsDesigner.exe • Go find the function c5ea4afc272451aac547dfe37a91a29b3 RagsDesigner ( -> RagsDesigner -> Form1 - > c5ea4afc272451aac547dfe37a91a29b3(string text) • Click on View -> Reflexil(if you don't see this then you didnt extract the reflexil plugin at the right place) Now you will see a reflexil window on the bottom. • Find line 195 and change ldc.i4.0 to ldc.i4.1.

I have a different way that someone taught me on the old forums I think. Simply gives the ability to have a debug menu so you can play and edit stats as you go. Pretty much i created a txt document and imput: 'C: Program Files (x86) RagsGame Rags Suite Rags.exe'%1 DEBUG which is my (you'll need to find your own) directory for Rags, yes parentheses are necessary.

Do you have customer service? Our friendly and knowledgeable customer services reps are available to answer your questions. Stih pro rodinu na kazahskom yazike 4 strochki. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. Aug 6, 2016 - 2)Move RagsDesigner.exe from folder 'crack' into directory with. The game I'm currently trying to open up has a password to it and I've tried.

After inputting your directory to the rags folder stuff in the txt, save and then rename it to Debug.bat (you'll need to be able to alter the file type, google it for your windows version) and save, it'll say that this will change the file and click yes. Now just drop game you want to play and 2 extra windows will pop up, one looks like a command prompt (leave alone) and another looks like a list, this is the debug menu one, the 4 tabs on the bottom are the categories of stuff and only 2 in the middle are the important ones that affect anything. Mines only a guide to how to cheat by editing stuff in the debug menu. There's no language or actual game editing methods involved now you may be referring to someone else but mine requires 0 downloads and is simply basic file creation.

Just find the folder that Rags was installed into and copy the directory and put it onto a txt docutment (notepad) in ' then add a space then%1 space Debug like so: 'directory here'%1 Debug. Then save the document and change it from a txt document to a bat file and call it Debug for easy labeling cause you don't want to name it something and be like where the fuck did I put that cheat thingy. You must be registered to see links Download it and open the designer. Go to RagsDesigner =>WPFRagsDesigner => RagsDesigner => wait for it to decompile and click ctrl+f and search RagsDesigner.TheGame.bPasswordProtected you should get to the function a( string A_0) right-click and click edit IL. You shuold see ldc.i4.0 followed by stloc.s and ldc.i4.0 change the first ldc.i4.0 to ldc.i4.3 and the second ldc.i4.0 to ldc.i4.1. After this save the module(might have to save to the desktop and copy it after, due to permission) and run.