Sep 4, 2017 - “SAM Broadcaster crashes on Windows 10” “SAM Broadcaster crashing windows 7” “SAM Broadcaster crashes after one song” “SAM Broadcaster crashes without warning” “SAM Broadcaster Pro keeps crashing after a few songs” “SAM Broadcaster keeps freezing” “SAM Broadcaster 2017.7 keeps crashing. SAM Broadcaster PRO is your complete online radio solution! The SAM Broadcaster PRO built-in advanced audio processor will make your station sound.


Sound Professional Advanced audio features like cross-fade detection, gap killer, volume normalization and 5-band compressor and limiter. Stream in multiple formats Formats include AAC, aacPlus, AAC-HE, MP3, mp3PRO, Ogg and Windows Media. Servers include,, Shoutcast v1, Shoutcast v2, Icecast and Windows Media. Web Integration Give your station website a pro look with our easy to integrate web widgets.

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