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X is a company who activein sales and service of factory instrument. The company as a supplier to other companies who need factory instrument. The factory Instrument sold by this company include control valves, liquid level meters, self operated regulators, and schuh technology. X now has many customer from the entire of Indonesia especially in Java dan Kalimantan. Currently PT.

X already has employee who grow along with te company’s growth. Download crack gta san andreas. One of things who need to noticed with increasing of employees is management in payroll section. This company still apply payroll system manually using Microsoft Office Excel.

Payroll manually will hamper the effectiveness of time in manage employee salary. Quick heal mobile security product key for android crack free download. Based on the previous problem, one of solution that can be done is making information system of employee’s payroll PT. This system made by programming language PHP and MySQL as database.

This system is expected to increase the effectiveness of time in manage employee salary.