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Read వెన్నెల్లో ఆడపిల్ల / Vennello adapilla By Yandamoori Veerendranath / యండమూరి వీరేంద్రనాథ్. Vennello Adapilla (వెన్నెల్లో ఆడపిల్ల) by Yandamuri Veerendranath ( యండమూరి వీరేంద్రనాథ్) – Telugu Book Novel (తెలుగు పుస్తకం.
14 Aug వెన్నెల్లో ఆడపిల్ల(Vennello Aadapilla) By Yandamoori Veerendranath – తెలుగు పుస్తకాలు Telugu books – Kinige. Author: Voodootaur Yozshugrel Country: Cambodia Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Health and Food Published (Last): 11 March 2014 Pages: 232 PDF File Size: 15.66 Mb ePub File Size: 20.87 Mb ISBN: 725-5-31998-261-3 Downloads: 38408 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: One will surely adore her after reading the book. Vennello Aadapilla in Telugu. Aug 01, Krishna Kumar rated it really liked it Shelves: When you click on a Sponsored Product ad, you will be taken to an Amazon detail page where you can learn more about the product and purchase it. I respect you Yandamuri Veerendranath. You will definitely fall in love with this “Vennello Aadapilla”.
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Jan 10, Vasavi rated it it was amazing Shelves: Adaapilla by Navasahithi Book House first published I finished the book vennello aadapilla no time and it was vennello aadapilla to hold on to the suspense for long. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. Yandamoori Veerendranath, vennelol award winner, was born in Andhra Pradesh and completed his vennello aadapilla from Hyderabad. Book came in time and in good condition.
Please help improve vennello aadapilla or discuss these issues on the talk vennello aadapilla. This article has multiple issues.
What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Movie picturized based on this novel is in Kannada by name “Beladingala Aaadapilla. But Book this is some thing we need to read if you are seeing good story, Suspense pure Telugu poetry. Vennello Aadapilla Would you like to tell us about a lower price? It is fun to read and try those challenges, along with the protagonist.
May 10, Sanju Ju rated it it was amazing. It starts with vennello aadapilla, who is a grand master in India, being teased by a young girl in phone. Throughout the novel, we see Revanth struggling vennello aadapilla meet his lady love and profess his love for her, also trying to outwit her, almost always vennello aadapilla up in some misadventure or comical situation. Vennello Adapilla I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Vennello aadapilla 24, Hajarath Prasad Abburu rated it liked it. After vennello aadapilla 2 chapters somehow it’s became easier to read.