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• — This movement is dominated by two main themes and follows the, which many composers use for the first of a, consisting of three sections, the, the and the. The symphony opens with a strenuous string figure in, initially leaping and falling in then narrowing to. Then, we hear a broadly lyric first theme played by the. Later on we hear the second theme, which is built out of octaves and sevenths. Then, the two are expanded in the, by having different instruments playing them, and in different styles, including a section. Next, we come to the recapitulation section, where themes heard earlier on are brought back again. Near the end of the movement, theme two is heard again in the form of a canon played by and, then the same material is played by the violin.

The movement ends with the playing a rising figure, and slowly fading away. • This movement is in the form, or A, B, A form. The movement opens with a heavy, loud introduction, followed by a softer solo on the. There is also a theme played by the that we will hear later on. Then, we get to the section, where the, violin, and are the three voices. Then the trio instruments move to the, flute,. In the recapitulation section, some of the material we heard earlier on in the movement is played again, but soft and short, compared to the loud and long style used at the start.

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And the movement ends as it started, sounding like an off-kilter music-box. • This movement gives perfect contrast to the; it sounds beautiful. The opening theme is played by the third violins. And are slowly added and continue the melody. After the assertive trumpets of the first movement and the raucous horns of the second, this movement uses no brass at all, so there is a limited palette of sounds. Then, a flute solo plays a melody from the first movement.

Then the solo is passed on to the with the strings accompanying. Then, the music builds to a point where that same material is being played by the cellos. The third movement ends like the first, with a celesta solo that slowly fades away. The strings are divided throughout the entire movement (3 groups of violins, violas in 2, cellos in 2; basses in 2). • This movement, in A-B-A structure, comes out of nowhere.

Starting from the opening A section, after an opening phrase, the melodies are expanded until we get to a new theme played on the trombone. This new theme is passed on to the strings and eventually the piece becomes quiet after the opening theme is played again for the last time on the brass. After this, the B section appears, which is much quieter and more tranquil. After the B section is a march section, where the melodies from A are played like a funeral dirge while a new accompaniment on the timpani is heard. Then the music builds and builds, as the new accompaniment passes from timpani to woodwinds and then to strings, until we get to a point were the piece changes from a into a starting from the coda. This would symbolize good defeating evil, victory, celebration, and whether or not this is sincere on Shostakovich's part is a point that is still debated today. Instrumentation [ ] The work is scored for two and, two, two and, two and, four, three B ♭, three,,,,,,,,,, two (one part),,.