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• The world’s leading power utility company: Advising on a variety of legal matters in Poland, including representation in an international, multiparty nuclear power plant investment project. • The Polish electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO): Advising on numerous regulatory, contractual and corporate issues, including investment projects concerning development of grid interconnections with Sweden and Lithuania. • The world’s largest natural gas company: Representing in the EU Antitrust (Article 102) investigation “Upstream gas supplies in Central and Eastern Europe” and advising on various aspects of its operations and shareholding in Poland. • Polish and foreign investors: Advising on privatization and investment projects involving generation, transmission and trading in electric energy, including renewable energy sources, as well as heat and gas. • Polish and foreign investors and developers: Advising on EU and Polish regulatory matters in connection with investments in renewable energy projects in Poland. • Chambers Global 2018: Recognized among notable practitioners in Projects & Energy Europe-wide.
• Chambers Europe 2018: Ranked as Eminent Practitioner in Energy and Natural Resources in Poland and acknowledged among notable practitioners in Projects & Energy in Central & Eastern Europe and Europe-wide. • The Legal 500 EMEA 2018: Leading inividual in Energy and Natural Resources in Poland. • IFLR1000 2018: Market leader in Energy and infrastructure and Project development in Poland. • Rzeczpospolita Law Firms Ranking 2018: Market leader in Energy in Poland. • Expert Guides 2018 (by Euromoney): Expert lawyer in Energy and Natural Resources in Poland. • Bloomberg BusinessWeek Polska 2014: Listed among top-20 best managers in Poland.