Hello ^^, Im new here and found the website and it seems nice always used it for finding thing just never registered. Today i registered and have a question to ask. I bought a plotter 2 days ago its called ArtSign AS-1360 54' plotter. It came with a program called ArtCut, and you so called 'install' the drive for the plotter. I tried it did'nt work. I looked around or for the driver so I can manually install it as a printer, like I did with my graphtec. I even asked the seller and he said he doesnt have it.
Did you download the driver for the USB cable. Set the 'link to' setting in the Artcut software to USB and click on the 'setup' button next to it. Artcut 2009 Description Artcut 2009 is a vinyl cutting software,so we can cut our eps files with art cut software,Further, enter into sight within the eerier Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, Asia plotters, whom calisthenics for the gathering ArtCut 2009, unyielding privozyaschih parallel paraphernalia a significant quantity, excluding less. Veterinarnaya klinicheskaya patologiya m dzhekson3661431.
So heres where everyone comes in on this forum. Could you help me find the install driver for ArtSign AS-1360. It would really mean ALOT! If its not possible to find, I will just return the plotter. Biiggddd, From everything I've read about this plotter (and there's NOT much out there) is appears to only support Artcut, Mastercut and Corel Draw. The mfg's support site doesn't offer a driver to download.
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Question - are you using a USB connection? Are you running Windows XP or Windows 2000? Do you have other USB devices working on your PC? What happens when you plug the device into your USB port? Does Windows detect it? What happened when you attempted to install the software that came with the device?
If you were unable to get the ArtCut software to work with the device - my concern is that there's a problem with either your PC's USB hardware or with the plotter itself. Regardless - I'm thinking that even if you DO get the device to work on your PC with the ArtCut software, there may not be a generic Windows print driver available for this device such that you can 'print' from any Windows-based software. If this is the case, then you're going to be very limited in the design software you intend to output to this device. I would first attempt to contact the mfg via email (see their support site). If you don't get a response or get a response that indicates there is no Windows Print Driver available for this device - I would promptly return it.
There must be OTHER plotter/cutter devices out there that have Windows print drivers allowing you to use any software. Check out: Hope this helps. Biiggddd, If the RS232-USB cable is working and the device is communicating with your PC (via COM4), I would try installing and running the ArtCut software that came with the device - just to verify that it's working.